Pines to Natives

When Cambrilea entered the native tree growing/planting industry in 2010, it was a perfect fit with its Weed Spraying work, which was based on a passion for sustainability and the long-term future of our waterways.

At Cambrilea, our focus shifted to producing larger trees in our nursery before planting. This strategic move significantly improved the survival rate of our trees, a key benefit that our customers can now enjoy. 

The impact for our customers is that within a year, our larger 1-litre pot survival rates increased to 97% over the smaller 0.5-litre forestry standard of the T28, with much lower survival rates. 

See the results of our one-year growth in Forestry to Natives. With our big plants and UNIQUE SITE PREPARATION, we achieve these results in hard-to-establish pine blocks, making it possible to establish a native forestry canopy cover quickly.

Pinetree Forest to Native Forest 1 Year Growth

7 ha block on Kentucky Road, Cambridge. Planted in 2023 showing 11.5 months growth in the below images.

kentucky 4 c1

Planting Week 2023

kentucky 1y c1

11.5 months of Growth

kentucky 4 c2

Planting Week 2023

kentucky 1y c2

11.5 months of Growth

kentucky 2 c3 3
kentucky 2 c3 1
kentucky 2 c3 2

Planting Week 2023

kentucky 1y c3

11.5 months of Growth